
views 2,216,748 updated May 29 2018

crea·ture / ˈkrēchər/ • n. an animal, as distinct from a human being. ∎  an animal or person. ∎  a fictional or imaginary being, typically a frightening one: a creature from outer space. ∎ archaic anything living or existing: dress, jewels, and other transitory creatures. ∎  a person of a specified kind, typically one viewed with pity, contempt, or desire: you heartless creature! ∎  a person or organization considered to be under the complete control of another: the village teacher was expected to be the creature of his employer.PHRASES: creature of habit a person who follows an unvarying routine.DERIVATIVES: crea·ture·ly adj.


views 3,632,528 updated May 29 2018

Creature ★ Titan Find 1985 (R)

A two thousand-year-old alien life form is killing off astronauts exploring the planet Titan. “Alien” rip-off has its moments, but not enough of them. Kinski provides some laughs. 97m/C VHS, DVD . Klaus Kinski, Stan Ivar, Wendy Schaal, Lyman Ward, Annette McCarthy, Diane Salinger; D: William Malone; M: Tom Chase, Steve Rucker.

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