Creative Glass Center of America
Creative Glass Center of America
1501 Glasstown Rd.
Millville, NJ 08332-1566
Fax: (856)825-2410
Free: 800-998-4552
Creative Glass Center of America Fellowships (All/Fellowship)
Purpose: To provide focused, self-directed artists with three-month and six-week fellowships. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be artists with young families, artists whose professional commitments do not afford them the option of a three-month residency, and for teams of artists wishing to collaborate on a particular project. Criteria: Applicants will be evaluated by the Fellowship Selection Committee based on their designed criteria.
Funds Avail.: No amount mentioned. To Apply: Applicants must submit completed application form; two letters of
recommendation; CDrom containing ten images of the applicant’s work, image information sheet, one paragraph biography, statement of intent, and current resume/CV. Deadline: August 25.
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Creative Glass Center of America
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Creative Glass Center of America