Crecelius, Daniel

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CRECELIUS, Daniel. American, b. 1937. Genres: Area studies, History, Translations. Career: California State University, Los Angeles, assistant professor to professor of Middle East history, 1964-2001, emeritus, 2002-. Publications: The Roots of Modern Egypt: A Study of the Regimes of 'Ali Bey al-Kabir and Muhammad Bey Abu al-Dhahab, 1760-1775, 1981; Fihris Waqfiyyat al-'Asr al-'Uthmani al-Mahfuthah bi Wizarat al-Awqaf wa Dar al-Watha'iq al-Ta'rikhiyyah al-Qawmiyyah bi al-Qahirah, 1992. EDITOR: (and contrib.) Eighteenth Century Egypt: The Arabic Manuscript Sources, 1990; (and trans., with 'Abd al-Wahhab Bakr) Al-Damurdashi's Chronicle of Egypt, 1688-1755, 1991; (with 'Abd al-Wahhab Bakr) Makhtutat al-Durrah al-Musanah fi Akhbar al-Kinanah, 1992; (and trans., with H. Badr) A Short Manuscript History of the Mamluk Amir Murad Bey; (with H. Badr and Husam al-Din Ismail) Ta'rikh al-Wazir Muhammad Ali Basha li al-Shaykh Khalil ibn Ahmad al-Rajabi, 1997. Work also represented in anthologies. Contributor of articles to scholarly journals. Address: California State University, 5151 State University Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90032, U.S.A. Online address:

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