National Ataxia Foundation

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National Ataxia Foundation

National Ataxia Foundation Research Fellowships (Postdoctorate/Fellowship)
National Ataxia Foundation Research Grants (Postdoctorate/Fellowship)

2600 Fernbrook Ln., Ste. 119
Minneapolis, MN 55447-4752
Ph: (763)553-0020
Fax: (763)553-0167

National Ataxia Foundation Research Fellowships (Postdoctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To support a research on hereditary ataxia. Focus: Medicine. Qualif.: Applicants must have at least completed one year of post-doctoral training but not more than two at the time of application. Criteria: Awards are given to studies that demonstrate better understanding of the ataxia process.

Funds Avail.: $35,000-$45,000. To Apply: Applicants must send pre-submission applications to Submit the original and four copies of the pre-submission application together with the completed application form to the Foundation’s Office. Applicants must also send the application form in Application deadline: September 15.

National Ataxia Foundation Research Grants (Postdoctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To support a research on the hereditary and sporadic ataxia. Focus: Medicine. Qualif.: Applicants must have at least completed one year of post-doctoral training but not more than two at the time of application. Criteria: Awards are given to studies that demonstrate better understanding of the ataxia process.

Funds Avail.: $125,000. To Apply: Applicants must send pre-submission applications to Submit the original and four copies of the pre-submission application together with the completed application form to the Foundation’s Office. Applicants must also send the application form in .pdf via email. Deadline: Pre-submission application deadline: July 15. Application, August.

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