National Association of Women Judges

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National Association of Women Judges

1341 Connecticut Ave. NW, Ste. 42
Washington, DC 20036-1834
Ph: (202)393-0222
Fax: (202)393-0125

Equal Access to Justice Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide financial assistance for law students who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to diversity and equality in the system of justice. Focus: Law. Qualif.: Applicants must be enrolled second- or third-year law student in good academic standing who demonstrate a sustained and passionate commitment to the achievement of equality of opportunity and access in the system of justice. Criteria: Recipient is selected by the Scholarship Selection Committee.

Funds Avail.: No amount mentioned. To Apply: Applicant must submit the completed application form and a 500-word personal statement and a resume.

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National Association of Women Judges

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    National Association of Women Judges