Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine

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Founded in 1948 by medical academicians and public health professionals, the Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine (ATPM) is the leading national professional association dedicated to advancing individual and community disease prevention and health promotion in the education of physicians and other health professionals.

Approximately 400 individual and 125 institutional members represent multiple disciplines concerned with population health and are predominantly affiliated with academic health centers. Association activities are managed by an executive director and staff, based in Washington, DC, and by standing committees and councils on education, communications, member services, academic units in medical schools, public health graduate programs, and preventive medicine residencies. Since the early 1980s, ATPM has sponsored publications of Maxcy-Rosenau-Last's Public Health and Preventive Medicine and cosponsored publication of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. The Association publishes a quarterly newsletter and produces a weekly electronic bulletin, "ATPM News Now." Each year ATPM has hosted one or more national professional meetings on academic, practice, and policy currents in the field of preventive medicine, including the annual three-day Prevention meetings, co-sponsored with the American College of Preventive Medicine between 1984 and 2000.

Through cooperative agreements with such federal agencies as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, and the Health Resources and Services Administration, ATPM and its members conduct a wide range of educational, training, and research projects, including: development of the widely used Inventory of Skills and Knowledge Relating to Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (CDC) and the Teaching Immunization for Medical Education project (CDC); a monograph on Enhancing Teaching of Prevention in Medical Education (HRSA); and the Luther Terry Fellowship, a prestigious two-year position as senior clinical advisor for public health and science (ODPHP).

William H. Barker

(see also: American College of Preventive Medicine; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Health Resources and Services Administration )


Barker, W.; Brugliera, P.; and Strikas, R., eds. (1994). "Immunization in Medical Education Project." Supplement to American Journal of Preventive Medicine 10: 194.

Pomrehn, P. et al. (July 2000). "Enhancing Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in Undergraduate Medical Education: Multidisciplinary Perspectives." Supplement to Academic Medicine.

Wallace, R., ed. Maxcy-Rosenau-Last (1998). Public Health and Preventive Medicine. Stamford, CT: Appleton and Lange.

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Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine

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    Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine