Ruppert, Jack 1934-

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Ruppert, Jack 1934-


Born December 18, 1934, in Norwood, OH; son of Arthur (in advertising) and Goldie (a homemaker) Ruppert; married Maureen Harrington (a homemaker), October 19, 1957; children: Leslie Ruppert Krehnbrink, Timothy J., Peter G., John A., Matthew D., Sarah L. Ethnicity: "German/Irish/Scots." Education: Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH, B.S., 1956. Politics: Republican. Religion: Roman Catholic.


Home—Cincinnati, OH. Agent—c/o Author Mail, Praeger Publishers, 88 Post Rd. W., Westport, CT 06881. E-mail—


Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, OH, sales technology manager, 1957-91. Mercy Hospital, member of board of directors, 1993-97. Military service: U.S. Marine Corps, 1956-58; became first lieutenant.


Emeral Coast Writers Association, Hyde Park Golf and Country Club (member of board of directors, 1997-2000; president, 2000).


One of Us: Officers of Marines—Their Training Traditions and Values, Praeger Publishers (Westport, CT), 2003.

Columnist for Cincinnati Dutchman, 1993-99.


Jack Ruppert told CA: "I moved from the restrictive memo-writing of business to the freedom of writing a column, then a nonfiction work. I am currently at work on a novel about a subject I love: World War II and its aftermath. I write to prove to myself that I can produce something of value for myself as I research and write. Hopefully the reader will also value my work."

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