Rosen, Jennifer

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Rosen, Jennifer


PERSONAL: Female. Education: New York University, B.A., International Wine Guild, Master Sommelier certification. Hobbies and other interests: Belly dancing, trapeze, skiing.

ADDRESSES: Home—Denver, CO. Office—Rocky Mountain News, 100 Gene Amole Way, Denver, CO 80204. E-mail—

CAREER: Writer, columnist, wine critic, sommelier, ski instructor, horse trainer, and handwriting analyst. Conducts wine seminars for clients including Beaulieu Vineyards, Toastmasters International, Denver Art Museum, and Colorado Symphony Orchestra. Appears regularly on syndicated radio shows, including Les's Wines and Vines, Pierre Wolfe's Food & Wine, and Mike Rosen Show.

AWARDS, HONORS: Best Drinks Writer Award finalist, Jacob's Creek International, 2003; James Beard Award for Internet Writing on Food, Restaurant, Beverage, or Nutrition, 2005.


Waiter, There's a Horse in My Wine: A Treasury of Entertainment, Exploration, and Education by America's Wittiest Wine Critic, Dauphin Press (Denver, CO), 2005.

Author of syndicated wine column for Rocky Mountain News and Denver Post. Contributor to periodicals, including Wine Enthusiast, Beverage Network, New Zealand Winepress, Long Island Wine Gazette, and Wine Club Newsletter.

SIDELIGHTS: Writer and columnist Jennifer "Chotzi" Rosen is a wine expert whose wine column appears in newspapers near her native Denver and in a variety of other papers across the country. In addition to being a prolific writer on viticultural subjects, Rosen also conducts educational wine seminars for businesses and vineyards throughout the United States. She has worked with software giant Microsoft to develop wine-related software and interactive blind tasting seminars for business leaders. A frequent radio quest, Rosen also teaches skiing, trains horses, and analyzes handwriting. Able to speak six languages, including French, German, Italian, Arabic, and Spanish, Rosen stays physically active and "works off the job perks with belly dancing and trapeze," as reported on her home page.

Waiter, There's a Horse in My Wine: A Treasury of Entertainment, Exploration, and Education by America's Wittiest Wine Critic is a "chuckle-inducing collection" of works by Rosen, noted a reviewer in Small Press Bookwatch. Rosen sets out to make wine easy to understand, even for the most inexperienced, and in doing so, she seeks to disarm wine snobs who interfere with popular enjoyment of the fruit of the vine. She irreverently skewers stolid topics that venerable publications such as Wine Spectator cover with near-solemnity. She offers a selection of wine facts and sheds light on misunderstandings. In addition, she debunks some myths and sets the reader straight on a number of wine fallacies related to labeling, content, and quality. Her articles combine humorous travel reporting with wine criticism as she visits notable wine regions around the world. Among the humor, Rosen offers practical guidance for selecting and enjoying wines in an everyday setting. The Small Press Bookwatch contributor concluded that the book is a "delightful guide" that is "just plain fun to read."



Small Press Bookwatch, June, 2005, review of Waiter, There's a Horse in My Wine: A Treasury of Entertainment, Exploration, and Education by America's Wittiest Wine Critic.


Associated Content Web site, (July 9, 2005), biography of Jennifer "Chotzi" Rosen.

Gallagher's Travels Web site, (July 9, 2005), biography of Jennifer "Chotzi" Rosen.

Jennifer Rosen Home Page, (July 9, 2005).

Midwest Book Review Online, (July 9, 2005), review of Waiter, There's a Horse in My Wine.