Rosen, David J.

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Rosen, David J.




Home—New York, NY. E-mail—


Writer. Has worked as an advertising director, producer for MTV, beer vendor, and camp counselor.


I Just Want My Pants Back (novel), Broadway Books (New York, NY), 2007.

What's That Job and How the Hell Do I Get It? The Inside Dope on More Than 50 Cool Jobs from People Who Actually Have Them, Broadway Books (New York, NY), 2008.

Contributor to magazines, including Esquire.


David J. Rosen's first novel, I Just Want My Pants Back, features Jason Strider, a Manhattan-dwelling, twenty-something slacker who is overeducated and underemployed. He works as a receptionist for a casting agency and spends his evenings getting high and hanging out with his friends or chasing girls. He loans a pair of his favorite jeans to a woman after a one-night stand and becomes obsessed with retrieving them. Jason's shallow, reckless lifestyle is destined to come to an end when harbingers of adult life start getting in his way. First, his best friends from college ask him to officiate at their wedding, and second, his next-door neighbor, once a party person like himself, is dying of lung cancer. A reviewer for Publishers Weekly praised Rosen for making "readers care what happens to his caddish narrator," and a Joanne Wilkinson of Booklist wrote that "Jason's sharp sense of humor [gives] this debut novel an edge in a crowded field."

Rosen is also the author of What's That Job and How the Hell Do I Get It? The Inside Dope on More Than 50 Cool Jobs from People Who Actually Have Them, a job-hunting guide for those who are not afraid of untraditional jobs. The careers Rosen investigates include blogger, multimedia designer, wardrobe stylist, and personal trainer. As for Rosen himself, he is a Manhattan-dwelling writer and former advertising director whose cool jobs have included producing for MTV and being a camp counselor.



Booklist, July 1, 2007, Joanne Wilkinson, review of I Just Want My Pants Back, p. 27.

Kirkus Reviews, July 1, 2007, review of I Just Want My Pants Back.

Marie Claire, August, 2007, review of I Just Want My Pants Back, p. 104.

Publishers Weekly, June 25, 2007, review of I Just Want My Pants Back.


David J. Rosen Web site, (April 16, 2008).

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