Hampson, (Margaret) Daphne 1944-

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HAMPSON, (Margaret) Daphne 1944-

PERSONAL: Born June 15, 1944, in Croydon, England. Education: University of Keele, B.A. (with first class honors), 1966; Oxford University, D.Phil., 1974; Harvard University, Th.M., 1976, Th.D., 1983; University of Warwick, M.A. (with distinction), 1994.

ADDRESSES: Home—14 Melbourne Pl., St. Andrews KY16 9EY, Scotland. Office—St. Mary's College, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews KY16 9JU, Scotland; fax: +44-01-33-446-2852. E-mail—dh1@stand.ac.uk.

CAREER: University of North Carolina—Greensboro, instructor in British history, 1970-71; University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland, lecturer in the history of religious thought, 1974-76; University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Scotland, lecturer at St. Mary's College, 1977-94, senior lecturer, 1994-99, reader in systematic theology, 1999-2001, professor of post-Christian thought, 2001—. Cambridge University, visiting academic at King's College, 1997, 1999.

AWARDS, HONORS: Woodrow Wilson British exchange fellow, 1970-71; Knox fellow, Harvard University, 1971-72, 1974, 1976-77; Leverhulme research grant, 1988-89; Arts and Humanities Research Board Award, 2003.


Theology and Feminism, Basil Blackwell (Oxford, England), 1990.

After Christianity, SCM Press (London, England), 1996, revised edition, 2002, Trinity Press International (Valley Forge, PA), 1997.

(Editor) Swallowing a Fishbone? Feminist Theologians Debate Christianity, S.P.C.K., 1996.

Christian Contradictions: The Structures of Lutheran and Catholic Thought, Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), 2001.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Research on theology and recent continental philosophy.

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Hampson, (Margaret) Daphne 1944-

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