Hampson, (Margaret) Daphne

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HAMPSON, (Margaret) Daphne

HAMPSON, (Margaret) Daphne. British, b. 1944. Genres: Ethics, Intellectual history, Theology/Religion, Women's studies and issues. Career: University of North Carolina at Greensboro, instructor in British history, 1970-71; University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland, lecturer in the history of religious thought, 1974-76; University of St. Andrews, St; Andrews, Scotland, lecturer in systematic theology, 1977-94, senior lecturer, 1994-99, reader, 1999-2001, professor, 2001-. Cambridge University, visiting academic at King's College, 1997. Publications: Theology and Feminism, 1990; After Christianity, 1996; (ed.) Swallowing a Fishbone? Feminist Theologians Debate Christianity, 1996; Christian Contradictions: The Structures of Lutheran and Catholic Thought, 2001. Address: St Mary's College, St. Andrews KY16 9JU, United Kingdom. Online address: dh1@st-and.ac.uk.

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Hampson, (Margaret) Daphne

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