Hampson, Robert (Gavin)

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HAMPSON, Robert (Gavin)

HAMPSON, Robert (Gavin). British, b. 1948. Genres: Poetry, Literary criticism and history. Career: Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, England, professor of modern literature; writer. Publications: POETRY: Degrees of Addiction, 1975; How Nell Scored, 1976; A Necessary Displacement, 1978; A Feast of Friends, 1982; A City at War, 1985; A Human Measure, 1989; Unicorns, 1989; Seaport, 1995; A New Hampshire Sampler, 1996; Assembled Fugitives: Selected Poems 1973-1998, 2001; C for Security, 2002. LITERARY CRITICISM: Joseph Conrad: Betrayal and Identity, 1992; Cross-cultural Encounters in Conrad's Malay Fiction, 2000. EDITOR: J. Conrad, Lord Jim, 1986; R. Kipling, Something of Myself, 1987; J. Conrad, Victory, 1989; (with P. Barry) The Scope of the Possible: British Poetry since 1970, 1994; J. Conrad, Heart of Darkness, 1995; R. Kipling, Soldiers Three (In Black and White), 1998; J. Conrad, Nostromo, 2000; (with T. Davenport) Ford Madox Ford: A Reappraisal, 2002. Address: Department of English, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, England. Online address: r.hampson@rhul.ac.uk

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