Where Is My Friend's House?

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Where Is My Friend's House? ★★ Where is the Friend's Home?; Khaneh-Je Doost Kojast? 1987

At the village school, Mohamed is told by his teacher that he'll be expelled if he doesn't do his homework in the required exercise book. But that evening schoolmate Ahmed realizes he's taken Mohamed's book by mistake so he sets off to find his friend's house in a neighboring village. However, Ahmed gets lost and none of the adults he meets will help him. Farsi with subtitles. Followed by “Life and Nothing More…” and “Through the Olive Trees.” 90m/C VHS, DVD . IA Babek Ahmed Poor, Ahmed Ahmed Poor, Kheda Barech Defai; D: Abbas Kiarostami; W: Abbas Kiarostami; C: Farhad Saba.

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