Where Angels Fear to Tread

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Where Angels Fear to Tread ★★★ 1991 (PG)

Another turn-of-the-century tale of the English in Italy from the pen of E.M. Forster. Widowed, 40ish Lilia (Mirren) is urged by her stuffy in-laws to spend some time in Italy. Much to everyone's dismay she impulsively marries a 21-year-old Italian—with disastrous consequences. Based on Forster's first novel, the characters are more stereotypical and the story less defined than his later works and the movies made from them. Impressive performances and beautiful settings make up for a somewhat lackluster direction that isn't up to the standards set by the team of Merchant Ivory, responsible for the Forster films “A Room with a View” and “Howard's End.” 112m/C VHS, DVD . GB Rupert Graves, Helena Bonham-Carter, Judy Davis, Helen Mirren, Giovanni Guidelli, Barbara Jefford, Thomas Wheatley, Sophie Kullman; D: Charles Sturridge; W: Charles Sturridge, Tim Sullivan, Derek Granger; C: Michael Coulter; M: Rachel Portman.

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