Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows

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Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows ★★½ 1968

Follow-up to “The Trouble with Angels,” with Russell reprising her role as the wise Mother Superior challenged by her mischief loving students. Younger, modern nun Stevens tries to convince Russell to update her old-fashioned ways and persuades her to take the convent students on a bus trip to a California peace rally. A very young Saint James is one of the convent's irrepressible troublemakers. Very dated but still mildly amusing. 94m/C VHS, DVD . Rosalind Russell, Stella Stevens, Binnie Barnes, Mary Wickes, Susan St. James, Dolores Sutton, Alice Rawlings; Cameos: Milton Berle, Arthur Godfrey, Van Johnson, Robert Taylor; D: James Neilson; W: Blanche Hanalis.

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