Where Eagles Dare

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Where Eagles Dare ★★★ 1968 (PG)]

During WWII, a small group of Allied commandos must rescue an American general held by the Nazis in a castle in the Bavarian Alps. Relentless plot twists and action keep you breathless. Well-made suspense/adventure. Alistair MacLean adapted his original screenplay into a successful novel. 158m/C VHS, DVD . GB Clint Eastwood, Richard Burton, Mary Ure, Michael Hordern, Anton Diffring, Ingrid Pitt, Patrick Wymark, Robert Beatty, Donald Houston, Derren Nesbitt, Ferdinand “Ferdy” Mayne, Peter Barkworth, William Squire, Neil McCarthy, Brook Williams, Vincent Ball; D: Brian G. Hutton; W: Alistair MacLean; C: Arthur Ibbetson; M: Ronald Goodwin.

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