Simpson, John (Cody Fidler-)

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SIMPSON, John (Cody Fidler-)

SIMPSON, John (Cody Fidler-). British, b. 1944. Genres: Documentaries/ Reportage. Career: Broadcast journalist and author. BBC, radio news sub- editor, producer, and reporter, 1966-72, foreign correspondent based in Dublin, Ireland, 1972-75, Brussels, Belgium, 1975-77, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1977-78; BBC Television News, diplomatic correspondent, 1978-80, political editor, presenter of Nine O'Clock News, 1980-82, diplomatic editor, 1982-88, foreign affairs editor, 1988, reported from Afghanistan, China, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Iran, Iraq, Russia, Brazil, Peru, and Bosnia, 1989-. Associate editor to Spectator. CBE in Gulf War Honours, 1991. Publications: (ed. with others) The Best of Granta, 1966; Moscow Requiem (novel), 1981; A Fine and Private Place (novel), 1983; (with J. Bennett) The Disappeared and the Mothers of the Plaza: The Story of the 11,000 Argentinians Who Vanished, 1985 (in UK as The Disappeared: Voices from a Secret War); Inside Iran: Life under Khomeini's Regime, 1988; Despatches from the Barricades: An Eye-Witness Account of the Revolutions That Shook the World, 1989-1990, 1990; From the House of War: John Simpson in the Gulf, 1991; In the Forests of the Night: Encounters with Drug Runners, Terrorists, and Oppressors in Peru, 1993; Lifting the Veil: Life in Revolutionary Iran, 1995; The Oxford Book of Exile, 1995; Strange Places, Questionable People, 1998; A Mad World My Masters, 2000; News from No Man's Land, 2002. Address: 15 Warriner Gdns, London SW11 4EA, England. Online address:

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Simpson, John (Cody Fidler-)

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