Simpson, Jerry H(oward), (Jr.)
SIMPSON, Jerry H(oward), (Jr.)
SIMPSON, Jerry H(oward), (Jr.). American, b. 1925. Genres: Cartoons, Translations, Recreation, Literary criticism and history, Philosophy. Career: Free-lance journalist and editor, 1959-75; Bike Tour France, Charlotte, NC, president and director, 1972-. Writer and director for a television station in Winston-Salem, NC, 1963-64. Publications: Torn Land, Bell Publishing, 1970; Creation (cartoons), 1985; (trans. from French) Robert Carvallo, Villandry and Its Gardens, 1986; Annals of the Orient (fable), 1987; Cycling France: The Best Bike Tours in All of Gaul, 1992, rev. ed., 1997; Notes on the French Revolution, 1994; Mille pensees impolies, 1995; Le herisson est echappee, 1996; Winter in Paris, 1996. Address: 5523 Wedgewood Dr, Charlotte, NC 28210-2432, U.S.A.