Schneider, Robert W.

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SCHNEIDER, Robert W. American, b. 1933. Genres: Children's fiction, Young adult fiction, History, Literary criticism and history. Career: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Instructor, 1958-59; College of Wooster, Ohio, Instructor, 1959-61; Northern Illinois University, assistant Professor, 1961-65, associate Professor, 1965-73, Professor of History, 1973- 98. Regensburg University, Germany, Fulbright fellowship, 1993-94. Publications: Five Novelists of the Progressive Era, 1965; Novelist to a Generation: The Life and Thought of Winston Churchill, 1976. Address: 801 Woodlawn Dr, DeKalb, IL 60115, U.S.A. Online address:

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Schneider, Robert W.

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