The Low Down

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The Low Down ★★ 2000

Not much happens in this sketchy tale of London gameshow worker Frank (Gillen), who dreams of maybe becoming a sculptor while running the prop business with his lessthaneager roommates. Tiring of their layabout ways, he moves out, facilitating his hookup with Ruby (Ashfield), the real estate agent. Film then follows, but not too closely or attentively, their budding romance and his passiveagressiveness and growing dissatisfaction with his own life. Thraves's directorial debut is laid-back to the point of being comatose, but some interesting scenes do occur between Gillen and Ashfield. 96m/C VHS . GB Aidan Gillen, Kate Ashfield, Dean Lennox Kelly, Tobias Menzies, Rupert Proctor, Samantha Powers; D: Jamie Thraves; W: Jamie Thraves; C: Igor Jadue-Lillo; M: Nick Currie, Fred Thomas.

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