The Love Trap

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The Love Trap ★★½ 1929

Early partial talkie (the film starts off as a silent with captions) is your basic Cinderella story. Chorus girl Laura Todd (La Plante) loses her job and gets booted out of her apartment. Cabbie Peter Cadwallader (Hamilton) offers his taxi as shelter andthe two fall in love and marry—much to the displeasure of his snooty (and wealthy) family. The DVD includes the documentary “Directed by William Wyler.” 71m/ B VHS, DVD . Laura La Plante, Neil Hamilton, Robert Ellis, Rita La Roy, Jocelyn Lee, Norman Trevor, Clarissa Selwynne; D: William Wyler; W: Clarence Marks, John B. Clymer, Albert DeMond, Clarence Thompson; C: Gilbert Warrenton.

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