Lauck, Jon K.

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LAUCK, Jon K. American. Genres: Agriculture/Forestry. Career: Intern for U.S. Senator Larry Pressler, summers, 1991-92; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, instructor, 1995-96; Davenport, Evans, Hurwitz & Smith (law firm), summer associate, 1999, associate, 2000-. University of Arkansas-Fayetteville, adjunct professor, summer, 2001; South Dakota State University, adjunct professor, 2001, 2002. Publications: American Agriculture and the Problem of Monopoly: The Political Economy of Grain Belt Farming, 1953-1980, 2000. Contributor of articles and reviews to law, history, and political science journals. Address: Davenport Evans Hurwitz & Smith, 513 South Main, Sioux Falls, SD 57101, U.S.A. Online address: