Kremenyuk, Victor (A.)

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KREMENYUK, Victor (A.)

KREMENYUK, Victor (A.). Russian, b. 1940. Genres: International relations/Current affairs. Career: Institute for the USA and Canada, Moscow, USSR (now Russia), deputy director, 1970-. Also professor at Salzburg Seminar, Vienna Diplomacy Academy, and Marshall Center, Germany. Publications: (with V. Lukin and M. Nosov) U.S. Policy toward the Pacific, 1989; (with others) SSHA i regionalnye konflikty (title means: The USA and Regional Conflicts), 1990; Conflicts in and around Russia: Nation-Building in Difficult Times, 1994; (with others) Rossiya i SSHA posle kholodnoy voyny (title means: Russia and the USA after the Cold War), 1999. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: International Negotiation: Analysis, Approaches, Issues, 1991, 2nd ed., 2002; (with I. W. Zartman) Cooperative Security: Reducing Third World Wars, 1995; (with S. Cross, I.A. Zevelev, and V.M. Gevorgian) Global Security beyond the Millennium: American and Russian Perspectives, 1999; (with G. Sjostedt) International Economic Negotiation: Models versus Reality, 2000; (with R. Avenhaus and G. Sjostedt) Containing the Atom: International Negotiations on Nuclear Security and Safety, 2002. Address: Institute for the USA and Canada, 2/3 Khlebny, 123995 Moscow, Russia. Online address:

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