The Hamburg Cell

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The Hamburg Cell ★★½ 2004

Based on the events leading up to 9/11 from the hijackers' perspective. Ziad Jarrah (who will take over United Flight 93) is studying in Hamburg and begins going to the local mosque to learn how to become a better Muslim. A desire to belong somewhere soon leads to Jarrah being recruited by Al Qaeda. Alongside jihadists Mohammad Atta and Ramzi bin al Shibh, Jarrah's plans being to take shape; the story ends with the hijackers boarding their various flights. 101m/C DVD . GB Karem Saleh, Kamel, Agni Tsangaridou, Kammy Darweish, Omar Berdouni, Adnan Maral; D: Antonia Bird; W: Ronan Bennett, Alice Berman; C: Florian Hoffmeister; M: Adrian Corker, Paul Conboy. TV

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