The Guys

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The Guys ★★★½ 2002 (PG)

Cinematic adaptation of Anne Nelson's timely play about September 11. A fateful introduction brings a journalist (Weaver) to collaborate with an emotionally wrought, inarticulate New York City Fire Department captain (LaPaglia) on poignant, heartfelt eulogies for his fallen brothers. Both leads do a fine job bringing their characters from stage to screen. Some archival footage feels awkwardly placed but on the whole film presents a dignified and humanistic perspective on an event whose world impact is still unfolding. Shot on location in New York, with very little budget in just two weeks, then reshot in another two weeks after discovering some lighting equipment had failed. Simpson and Weaver's daughter makes a cameo appearance along with Nelson's two sons. 98m/C VHS, DVD . US Sigourney Weaver, Anthony LaPaglia; D: Jim Simpson; W: Ann Nelson, Jim Simpson; C: Maryse Alberti; M: Ron Carter.

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