The Halfback of Notre Dame

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The Halfback of Notre Dame ★★½ 1996 (G)

Star football player (and coach's son) Craig Modeau (Hogan) is a lumbering misfit, ripe for high school teasing, anywhere but on the gridiron. But French exchange student Esmeralda (Vaugier) thinks he's sweet—much to the dismay of current boyfriend, obnoxious quarterback Archie (Cutler). Then Craig decides to quit the team right before the big game when dad says no fraternizing and it's up to his French flame to get the jock to change his mind. Made for TV reworking of Victor Hugo's “The Hunchback of Notre Dame.” 97m/C VHS . Gabriel Hogan, Emmanuelle Vaugier, Scott Hylands, Sandra Nelson, Allen (Culter) Cutler; D: Rene Bonniere; W: Richard Clark, Mark Trafficante; C: Maris Jansons; M: George Blondheim. TV

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