Gerber, Douglas E.

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GERBER, Douglas E.

GERBER, Douglas E. Canadian, b. 1933. Genres: Classics, Literary criticism and history, Bibliography. Career: Professor in Classics, University of Western Ontario, London, 1969-99 (Lecturer, 1959-60; Assistant Professor, 1960-64; Associate Professor, 1964-69). Member, American Philological Association (Ed., Transactions of the American Philological Association, 1974-82), Classical Association of Canada (President, 1988-90), and Classical Association (Great Britain). Lecturer in Greek, University College, University of Toronto, ON, 1958-59. Publications: A Bibliography of Pindar, 1513-1966, 1969; Emendations in Pindar, 1513-1972, 1974; Pindar's Olympian One: A Commentary, 1982; Lexicon in Bacchylidem, 1984; Greek Iambic Poetry, 1999; Greek Elegiac Poetry, 1999; A Commentary on Pindar Olympian Nine, 2002. EDITOR: Euterpe: An Anthology of Early Greek Lyric, Elegiac and Iambic Poetry, 1970; A Companion to the Greek Lyric Poets, 1997. Address: 2 Grosvenor St, London, ON, Canada N6A 1Y4. Online address:

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