Edwards, Sarah (Anne)

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EDWARDS, Sarah (Anne)

EDWARDS, Sarah (Anne). American, b. 1943. Genres: Novels, Business/Trade/Industry. Career: Clinical social worker and writer. Office of Economic Opportunity Regional Office, Kansas City, KS, community representative, 1966-68; Dept of Health, Education, and Welfare, Kansas City, social services/parent involvement and resource specialist, 1968-73; private practice in psychotherapy, training and consulting in personal, interpersonal, organizational behavior, Sierra Madre, CA, 1973-80; University of Kansas Medical Center, children's rehabilitation unit, social services department, director of training, 1975-76; Cathexis Institute, Glendale, CA, co-director, 1976-77; CompuServe Information Service, Working from Home Forum, cofounder and manager, 1983-97; Pine Mountain Institute, Pine Mountain, CA, co-founder. Co-host, Working from Home, Business Radio Network, 1987-2001, and Home and Garden cable TV network, 1994-98; commentator, CNBC, 1996-99, NPR Marketplace, 1996-97. Senior fellow, Center for the New West, Denver, CO. Publications: WITH P. EDWARDS: How to Make Money with Your Personal Computer, 1984; Working from Home, 1985, 5th ed., 1999; The Best Home Business for the 90s, 1991, rev. ed. as The Best Home Business for the 21st Century, 1994; (and with L.C. Douglas) Getting Business to Come to You, 1991, rev. ed., 1998; Making It on Your Own, 1991, rev. ed., 1996; Making Money with Your Computer at Home, 1993, rev. ed., 1997; Finding Your Perfect Work, 1996; (and with W. Zooi) Home Business You Can Buy, 1997; (and with R. Benzel) Teaming Up, 1997; (and with L. Rohrbough) Making Money in Cyberspace, 1998; (and with W. Zooi) Outfitting Your Home Business for Much Less, 2000; The Practical Dreamer's Handbook, 2000; (and with P. Economy) Home-Based Business for Dummies, 2000; Changing Directions without Losing Your Way, 2001; (and with M. Nemko) Cool Careers for Dummies, 2001; (and with L.M. Roberts) The Entrepreneurial Parent, 2002; (and with P. Economy) Why Aren't You Your Own Boss, 2003. NOVELS: Sitting with the Enemy, 2002. Address: Box 6775, 2624 Teakwood Ct, Pine Mountain Club, CA 93222, U.S.A. Online address: sedwards@frazmtn.com

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