Edwards, Kim 1958-

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EDWARDS, Kim 1958-


Born May 4, 1958, in Killeen, TX; married Thomas Clayton, 1987; children: two daughters. Education: Attended Auburn Community College; Colgate University, B.A., 1981; University of Iowa, M.F.A., 1983, M.A. (linguistics), 1987.

ADDRESSES: Home—Lexington, KY. Office—Department of English, University of Kentucky, 1355 Patterson Office Tower 0027, Lexington, KY 40506. E-mail—Edwards@uky.edu.


Fiction writer and educator. Visiting professor, University of Kentucky, 2003. Taught in M.F.A. programs at Washington University and Warren Wilson College; spent five years teaching in Malaysia, Japan, and Cambodia.


Pushcart Prize, for short story "The Way It Felt to Be Falling"; PEN/Hemingway Award finalist, for The Secrets of a Fire King; National Magazine Award for Fiction; Nelson Algren Award, 1990, for short story "Sky Juice"; grants from National Endowment for the Arts, Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, Seaside Institute, Kentucky Arts Council, and Kentucky Foundation for Women; Whiting Writer's Award, 2002.


The Secrets of a Fire King: Stories, W. W. Norton (New York, NY), 1997.

Stories have appeared in periodicals, including Paris Review, Redbook, Michigan Quarterly Review, North American Review, Iowa Woman, Threepenny Review, Chicago Tribune, Ploughshares, and Zoetrope.


A novel, Capturing Light.


Kim Edwards has published many short stories in journals that include the Paris Review, Red-book, Chicago Tribune, and Ploughshares. She wrote her first short story in a fiction workshop while a student at Colgate University. "The Way It Felt to Be Falling," originally published in Threepenny Review, won the Pushcart Prize and is included in Edwards's first book, The Secrets of a Fire King: Stories.

The Secrets of a Fire King, which Nina Sonenberg in the New York Times Book Review deemed an "accomplished" debut, presents stories that deal with a wide range of themes and settings. Many refer to Asia, where Edwards spent five years traveling and teaching. In "Spring, Mountain, Sea," for example, a U.S. soldier's Asian bride learns about American foods and customs from the couple's neighbors, but their response to her gift of gratitude turns her away from the American culture. In "Gold," a young man's life is affected when gold is discovered in his Malaysian village, while "The Way It Felt to Be Falling" tells how a young woman learns about her inner strength when she suddenly decides to attempt a sky dive with a friend. Chicago Tribune Books contributor Patricia Lear described this story as sophisticated and brilliantly constructed. "The stories are impeccable, a treasure," wrote Lear, who observed that each piece "possesses the breadth of a novel." In the Hudson Review critic Tom Wilhelmus wrote tha, t "Rich in detail and at home with abstract ideas, Kim Edwards' stories mark an impressive beginning for a talented new storyteller."



Hudson Review, autumn, 1997, Tom Wilhelmus, review of The Secrets of a Fire King: Stories, p. 527.

Library Journal, April 15, 1997, Ellen R. Cohen, review of The Secrets of a Fire King, p. 122.

New York Times Book Review, April 20, 1997, Nina Sonenberg, review of The Secrets of a Fire King, p. 20.

Publishers Weekly, February 24, 1997, review of The Secrets of a Fire King, p. 64.

Tribune Books (Chicago, IL), June 1, 1997, Patricia Lear, "Getting it Right," p. 4.


W.W. Norton Web site,http://www.wwnorton.com/ (January 22, 2003), review of The Secrets of a Fire King.

Zoetrope Web site,http://www.all-story.com/ (April 3, 2003), "Kim Edwards."

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