Edwards, Michael

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EDWARDS, Michael

EDWARDS, Michael. British, b. 1938. Genres: Poetry, Art/Art history, Literary criticism and history. Career: Professor of English, University of Warwick. Formerly, Reader, Dept. of Literature, University of Essex, Colchester. Visiting Professor, 1997, European Chair, 2000-01, College de France; Visiting Professor, University of the Witwaterstand, 1997, Ecole Normale Superieure, 1998. Co-Ed., Prospice Review, 1973-82. Publications: La Thebaide de Racine, 1965; La Tragedie racinienne (criticism), 1972; Eliot/Language, 1975; Towards a Christian Poetics, 1984; Poetry and Possibility, 1988; Of Making Many Books, 1990; Raymond Mason, 1994; Eloge de l'attente, 1996; De Poetica Christiana, 1997; Beckett ou le don des langues, 1998; Lecons de poesies, 2001; Ombres de lune, 2001; Sur un vers d'Hamlet, 2001; Un monde meme et autre, 2002. POETRY: Commonplace, 1971; To Kindle the Starling, 1972; Where, 1975; The Ballad of Mobb Conroy, 1977; The Magic, Unquiet Body, 1985. EDITOR: French Poetry Now, 1975; (co) Directions in Italian Poetry, 1975; Raymond Queneau, 1978; Words/Music, 1979; Languages, 1981. Address: Department of English, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, England. Online address: ensag@snow.csv.warwick.ac.uk

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