Edwards, Susan 1947-

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EDWARDS, Susan 1947-

PERSONAL: Born 1947, in York, PA; daughter of Fred (in business) and Jane (a homemaker; maiden name, Rothrock) Tabnau. Ethnicity: "Anglo." Education: Arizona State University, M.A. (education), 1971, M.A. (counseling), 1975, Ph.D., 1983; attended University of Minnesota—Twin Cities, 1978; postdoctoral fellow at Rutgers University, 1988-90. Hobbies and other interests: Horseback riding, drawing, writing poetry.

ADDRESSES: Home and office—515 Executive Dr., Princeton, NJ 08540.

CAREER: Counselor at elementary schools in Tempe, AZ, 1971-76; community mental health counselor in Phoenix, AZ, 1976-82; University of New England, Biddeford, ME, teacher of counseling and psychology, 1983-88, director of School/Health Psychology Program, 1985-88; private practice of psychology in Princeton, NJ, 1988—. University of Maine, teacher, 1983-88; consultant and trainer for schools, businesses, and clinics; guest on television and radio programs, including the British series Men, Love, and Relationships Made Easy, Live-TV.

MEMBER: Authors Guild, Authors League of America, National Federation of Press Women, American Counseling Association, American Psychological Association, New Jersey Press Women, Maine Media Women.

AWARDS, HONORS: Best Program Award, counseling and guidance, Arizona Guidance Association, 1976; first place award, Maine Media Women Communications Contest, Middlesex Community Newspapers of Farmingham, MA, and second place award for nonfiction books, general category, New Jersey Press Women Communications Contest, both 1996, both for When Men Believe in Love: A Book for Men Who Love Women and the Women They Love.



White Wind, Dorchester Publishing (New York, NY), 1996.

White Wolf, Leisure Books (New York, NY), 1999.

White Flame, Leisure Books (New York, NY), 1999.

White Dreams, Leisure Books (New York, NY), 2000.

White Nights, Leisure Books (New York, NY), 2000.

White Dove, Leisure Books (New York, NY), 2001.

White Dusk, Leisure Books (New York, NY), 2002.

White Dawn, Leisure Books (New York, NY), 2002.

White Shadows, Leisure Books (New York, NY), 2003.

White Deception, Leisure Books (New York, NY), 2004.


When Men Believe in Love: A Book for Men Who Love Women and the Women They Love, Element Books (Rockport, MA), 1995.

Dangerous Clients: How to Protect Yourself, Miller Freeman Books (San Francisco, CA), 1998.

Columnist for Portland Business Journal, 1985-88, For Mothers Only, 1990, and Custom Builder. Contributor to psychology and counseling journals.

SIDELIGHTS: Susan Edwards once told CA: "I knew in the fifth grade that I would write five books. What I didn't expect was that it would take so long. My first book was published in 1995, and it has been quite awhile since I was a fifth grader.

"Writing has always been a means of empowerment to me. As a child, I wrote stories and poems that helped me learn about myself. As a psychologist, I continue to write stories for children who experience hurt or loss. For adult readers, my work often provides new ways of looking at old issues: the perspective of a multimodal psychologist offers analyses seldom seen in today's psychology books. Over the years, it has been my experience that anything which facilitates true understanding can make a difference in a person's life. I have spent my career fostering that process.

"Along the way, I have learned from both my patients and my mentors. However, there is much yet to discover about understanding the complexities of human behavior. I hope to make a special contribution through my writing, whether my work helps to awaken one's own inner feelings, an understanding of others, or the value of love in a world of violence. Ultimately, I hope to strengthen the place where love lives."



Library Journal, November 15, 1998, Kristin Ramsdell, review of White Wolf, p. 58.


BookBrowser,http://www.bookbrowser.com/ (May 7, 2002), review of White Dawn.

Romance Reader,http://www.theromancereader.com/ (November 12, 1999).

Susan Edwards Home Page,http://www.susanedwards.com (September 9, 2004).*

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