McLachlan, Sarah (1968–)

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McLachlan, Sarah (1968–)

Canadian musician. Born Jan 28, 1968, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; m. Ashwin Sood (drummer), Feb 7, 1997; children: India Ann Sushil (b. April 6, 2002).

Raised by adoptive parents, took piano, guitar, and voice lessons as child; sang for new-wave band, October Game, at age 17; released debut album, Touch (1988), which went gold in Canada, followed by Solace (1991); released Fumbling Towards Ecstacy (1993), inspired by trip to Cambodia and Thailand, which went triple platinum, and included hits "Possession" and "Good Enough"; released smash hit, Surfacing (1997), which produced hit singles, "Adia," "Angel" and "Building a Mystery," and won Grammy Awards for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance and Best Pop Instrumental Performance; started Lilith Fair, annual summer tour featuring women performers, which included Tracy Chapman, Jewel, Missy Elliott, Dixie Chicks, and Erykah Badu (1997–99); released triple platinum Mirrorball (1999), winning Grammy for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance (2000).

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