Mclaren, John
MCLAREN, John. Australian, b. 1932. Genres: Education, Literary criticism and history, Politics/Government. Career: Principal Lecturer, Dept. of Humanities, Footscray Institute of Technology, 1976-; Victoria University of Technology, professor, 1991-. Publications: Our Troubled Schools, 1968; Libraries for the Public, 1969; A Dictionary of Australian Education, 1974; (co-author) Equal but Cheaper, 1977; Australian Literature: An Historical Introduction, 1989; New Pacific Literatures: Culture and Environment in the European Pacific, 1993; Writing in Hope and Fear: Postwar Australian Literature as Politics, 1996; States of Imagination, 2001; Free Radicals, 2003. EDITOR: Towards a New Australia, 1972; A Nation Apart, 1983. Address: Victoria University of Technology, PO Box 14428 MCMC, Melbourne, VIC 8001, Australia. Online address: