Mcknight, Tom Lee

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MCKNIGHT, Tom Lee. American, b. 1928. Genres: Geography. Career: Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, Instructor in Geography, 1953- 55; University of Texas, Austin, Instructor, 1955-56; University of California, Los Angeles, Professor, 1956-98, Professor Emeritus of Geography, 1998-. Publications: Manufacturing in Dallas: A Study of Effects, 1956; Dallas, 1959; Manufacturing in Arizona, 1962; (with E.J. Forscue and C.L. White) Regional Geography of Anglo-America, 3rd ed., 1964, 6th ed., 1985; (with C.L. White and P.F. Griffin) World Economic Geography, 1964; Feral Livestock in Anglo-America, 1964; The Camel in Australia, 1969; Australia's Corner of the World: A Geographical Summation, 1970; Friendly Vermin: A Survey of Feral Livestock in Australia, 1976; The Long Paddock: Australia's Travelling Stock Routes, 1977; Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation, 1984, 7th ed., 2001; Essentials of Physical Geography, 1992; Regional Geography of the United States and Canada, 1992, 3rd ed., 2001; (with E.F. Bergman) Introduction to Geography, 1993; Oceania, 1994. Address: Dept. of Geography, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024, U.S.A. Online address:

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