Friday, Nancy (1937–)

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Friday, Nancy (1937–)

American feminist author. Born Aug 27, 1937, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; raised in Charleston, South Carolina; dau. of a financier; Wellesley College, BA; m. Norman Pearlstine (editor in chief of Time, Inc.).

Feminist author, worked briefly as reporter for San Juan Island Times (1960–61) and as editor of the travel magazine Islands in the Sun (1961–63), before turning to freelance writing; worked as journalist in New York, England, Italy and France, contributing to such magazines as Cosmopolitan and Playboy; produced several popular psychology books beginning with My Secret Garden (1973), a compilation of women's sexual desires which sold over 1.5 million copies worldwide; also wrote Forbidden Flowers (1975), the bestselling My Mother/My Self: The Daughter's Search for Identity (1977), Men in Love (1980, Jealousy (1985), Women on Top (1991), The Power of Beauty (1996) and Our Looks, Our Lives: Sex, Beauty, Power and the Need to Be Seen (1999).

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