Friderici-Jakowicka, Teodozja

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Friderici-Jakowicka, Teodozja

Friderici-Jakowicka, Teodozja, Polish soprano; b. Kielce, 1836; d. Warsaw, Nov. 4, 1889. She studied piano with J. Drobrzyriski and voice with Ovattrini and J. Dobrski in Warsaw, completing her voice training in Milan with Lamperti. In 1865 she made her operatic debut in La sonnambula in Warsaw, and then was engaged in opera houses throughout Europe and in N.Y. before retiring in 1885. Her best roles were in operas by Bellini, Donizetti, Meyerbeer, and Verdi.

—Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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