Brown, Elaine (1943–)

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Brown, Elaine (1943–)

African-American militant, writer and activist. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Mar 2, 1943; grew up in North Philadelphia; dau. of a dress-factory worker; attended Thaddeus Stevens School of Practice and Philadelphia High School for Girls; briefly attended Temple University.

Moved to Los Angeles (1965); became interested in radical politics and worked for the newspaper Harambee; joined Black Panther Party, turning it into a supporter of women's rights; became the 1st and only woman to lead the Black Panther Party (1974), and encouraged its involvement in conventional politics; began lecturing on the vision of an inclusive and egalitarian society, focusing on resolving problems of race, gender oppression and class disparity in US; served as president of the non-profit educational corporation, Fields of Flowers, and as director of Political Affairs for the National Alliance for Radical Prison Reform; writings include New Age Racism and the Condemnation of "Little B" (2002).

See also autobiographical memoir, A Taste of Power: A Black Woman's Story (1992).

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