Brown, Earlene Dennis (1935–)

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Brown, Earlene Dennis (1935–)

African-American track-and-field athlete. Born July 11, 1935, in Latexo, Texas.

Placed 4th in discus and won a bronze medal for shot put at Rome Olympics (1960), the 1st American to win an Olympic medal in shot put; was Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) champion in shot put (1956–62, 1964); won AAU championships in discus (1958–59, 1961); placed 6th in shot put and 4th in discus at Melbourne Olympics (1956); won AAU championship, baseball throw (1957); won gold medal in shot put, silver medal in discus at USA-USSR dual meet (1958); took silver medal in shot put at USA-USSR dual meet (1959); was shot put and discus champion at Pan American Games (1959); placed 12th in shot put at Tokyo Olympics (1964); became a Roller Derby superstar on several professional teams (1970s).

See also Women in World History.

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