
views updated May 29 2018

baste1 / bāst/ • v. [tr.] pour juices or melted fat over (meat) during cooking in order to keep it moist.baste2 • v. [tr.] Needlework tack with long, loose stitches in preparation for sewing.baste3 • v. [tr.] inf., dated beat (someone) soundly; thrash: go baste him one!


views updated May 09 2018

baste1 sew loosely. XIV. — OF. bastir (mod. bǎtir) — Gmc. *bastjan (cf. OHG. besten lace, sew), f. *bastaz BAST.


views updated May 29 2018

baste To ladle hot fat (or other liquid) over meat, poultry, etc., at intervals while it is baking or roasting, in order to improve the texture, flavour, and appearance.


views updated Jun 11 2018

baste2 pour fat over (roasting meat). XV. of unkn. orig.

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