Wilson, Graham (1940-)

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Wilson, Graham (1940-)

New consciousness entrepreneur who organized the international annual Mind-Body-Spirit Festivals held in England in the 1970s. Born in Yorkshire, England, he spent his pre-school years on a farm. After World War II his family returned to London, where Wilson attended Wandsworth Grammar School, studying advanced level zoology and botany and investigating the writing of Rudolph Steiner and other occult mystics in his spare time. He was also active in sports and became a London Youth Athletics champion for the half-mile and cross country events at the age of 18. He played rugby and soccer as well as squash, and he took a great interest in the "peak" experiences of athletes.

After a varied business career, Wilson teamed up with Terry Ellis in 1976 to hire an exhibition hall in London and present the first Festival for Mind and Body, drawing upon his own knowledge of mystical and spiritual philosophies and athletic experiences. He put all his own money into the venture, which was presented in April 1977 in London. It was a success and led to successive annual festivals in Britain, Australia, and the United States. He later launched the UK's first Psychics and Mystics Fayres and the UK's first holistic health clinic, the London Natural Health Clinic.

In organizing these festivals, Wilson and his associates provided a regular focal point for New Age and mystical activities, and he himself believes that "you can use the best of the commercial world to allow in a spiritual flow in such a way that the final product has quality and integrity."

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