Wilson, Frank R.

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WILSON, Frank R.

WILSON, Frank R. American. Genres: Medicine/Health. Career: Physician and author; University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco, medical director of Peter F. Ostwald Health Program for Performing Artists. Publications: Tone Deaf and All Thumbs? An Invitation to Music-Making for Late Bloomers and Non-Prodigies, 1986; The Hand: How Its Use Shapes the Brain, Language, and Human Culture, 1998. EDITOR: Biology of Music Making: Proceedings of the 1984 Denver Conference, c. 1987; (with F.L. Roehmann) Music and Child Development: The Biology of Music Making: Proceedings of the 1987 Denver Conference, 1990. Address: Peter F. Ostwald Health Program for Performing Artists, University of California School of Medicine, PO Box 0736, San Francisco, CA 94143, U.S.A.

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Wilson, Frank R.

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