Wilson, Gina

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WILSON, Gina. British (born Wales), b. 1943. Genres: Children's fiction, Young adult fiction, Poetry. Career: Full-time writer. Assistant editor, Scottish National Directory, 1967-73, and the Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue, 1972-73, Edinburgh. Publications: Cora Ravenwing, 1980; A Friendship of Equals, 1981; The Whisper, 1982; All Ends Up, 1984; Family Feeling, 1986; Just Us, 1988; Polly Pipes Up, 1989; I Hope You Know…, 1989; Jim-Jam Pyjamas, 1990; Wompus Galumpus, 1990; Riding the Great White, 1992; Prowlpuss, 1994; Ignis, 2001; Grandma's Bears, 2004. Address: c/o David Higham Associates, Ltd., 5-8 Lower John St, Golden Square, London W1R 4HA, England.

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