Lutz phytograph

views updated May 29 2018

Lutz phytograph In the phytosociological assessment of woodland communities (especially tropical woodlands), a polygonal figure representing four structural characteristics of each major tree species present, usually (a) the percentage of the total number of trees that are larger than 25cm diameter at breast height (dbh); (b) the percentage frequency of a particular species in the total number of trees larger than 25cm dbh; (c) the occurrence of the species in each of 5 size classes reflecting maturity; and (d) the dominance of the species as reflected by its percentage of the total tree basal area.

Lutz phytograph

views updated Jun 11 2018

Lutz phytograph In the phytosociological assessment of woodland communities (especially tropical woodlands), a polygonal figure representing four structural characteristics of each major tree species present, usually (a)the percentage of the total number of trees that are larger than 25 cm diameter at breast height (dbh);(b)the percentage frequency of a particular species in the total number of trees larger than 25 cm dbh;(c)the occurrence of the species in each of five size classes reflecting maturity; and(d)the dominance of the species as reflected by its percentage of the total tree basal area.

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