
views 2,280,817 updated May 21 2018

herring Oily fish, Clupea harengus; young herrings are sild. Sprat is Clupea sprattus; young are brislings. Pilchard is Clupea pilchardus; young are sardines. Kippers, bloaters, and red herrings are salted and smoked herrings; bucklings are hot‐smoked herrings. Gaffelbitar is preserved herring. A 150‐g portion (weighed with bones), grilled, is an exceptionally rich source of vitamins D, B12, and selenium; a rich source of protein, niacin, and vitamin B6; a source of vitamins B1, B2, iodine, and iron; contains 200 mg of sodium, about 13–28 g of fat, varying with the season, of which one‐third is saturated and half is mono‐unsaturated; supplies 200–360 kcal (800–1500 kJ).


views 2,945,864 updated Jun 11 2018

Clupeidae (herring, shad; subclass Actinopterygii, order Clupeiformes) A large family of mainly marine fish which have compressed, streamlined bodies with a single, soft-rayed, dorsal fin half-way down the back, and a forked tail fin. Nearly all clupeids have protruding scales, giving the ventral side a rough or serrated appearance. The family includes many commercially important species, e.g. Clupea harengula (herring), Sardina pilchardus (pilchard), and Brevoortia tyrannus (Atlantic menhaden). Some species, e.g. Dorosoma cepedianum (American gizzard shad), are found only in freshwater systems. Like many other clupeids, they move in large schools, feeding on plankton. They are found world-wide, in temperate and tropical waters.


views 3,803,309 updated May 29 2018

her·ring / ˈhering/ • n. a silvery fish (Clupea and other genera) that is most abundant in coastal waters and is of great commercial importance as a food fish in many parts of the world. The herring family (Clupeidae) also includes the sprats, shads, and pilchards.


views 1,637,023 updated May 23 2018

herring OE. hǣring, hēring = MLG. hērink, hārink (Du. haring), OHG. hāring (G. häring, hering) :- WGmc. *χēriŋġa, beside which a var. with *χar- is repr. by medL. haringus; perh. orig. ‘greyish-white fish’, f. HOAR; see -ING3.


views 1,381,125 updated May 18 2018

herring Marine fish found worldwide. One of the most important food fish, various species are canned as pilchard or sardine, or sold fresh, pickled, or smoked (as kippers and bloaters). Herrings have a laterally compressed body and a deeply forked tail fin. Length: 8–46cm (3–18in). Family Clupeidae; the 190 species include Clupea harengus.


views 2,381,260 updated Jun 27 2018

herring every herring must hang by its own gill everyone is accountable for their own actions; saying recorded from the early 17th century.

See also neither fish nor fowl nor good red herring, red herring.


views 2,609,634 updated May 21 2018

herring See CLUPEIDAE.

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