Waltman of Antwerp, Bl.

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Premonstratensian abbot also known as Gualtmannus; d. Antwerp, April 15, 1138. When tanchelm proved effective in spreading his new heretical movement in Antwerp, the local bishop, Burchard of Cambrai, sought the help of norbert of xanten and the newly formed premonstratensians in combating the heresy. Norbert's success over Tanchelm (commemorated in a stained glass window of the cathedral) led the canons of historic St. Michaels in Antwerp to move to Notre-Dame and give St. Michaels to Norbert as the site of the first Premonstratensian foundation in Antwerp. Waltman, one of Norbert's talented helpers in Antwerp, became first abbot. During his 14 years in that office Waltman made St. Michaels the center of reestablished religious unity in Antwerp. He also founded as daughter-houses the Premonstratensian abbeys of Averbode and tongerloo, both of which still exist today, though St. Michaels was suppressed during the French Revolution.

Feast: April 11.

Bibliography: Acta Sanctorum June 1:797845. j. le paige, Bibliotheca praemonstratensis ordinis. c. j. kirkfleet, History of Saint Norbert. g. madelaine, Histoire de saint Norbert, 2 v. (3d ed. Tongerloo Abbey, Belg. 1928). n. backmund, Monasticon Praemonstratense 2:265269, 600. a. butler, The Lives of the Saints 2:73. j. l. baudot and l. chaussin, Vies des saints et des bienheureux selon l'ordre du calendrier avec l'historique des fêtes 4:356.

[l. l. rummel]

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