Walters, Ronald W.

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WALTERS, Ronald W.

WALTERS, Ronald W. American. Genres: Cultural/Ethnic topics, Local history/Rural topics, Politics/Government. Career: Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, assistant professor of political science, 1968-69; Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, assistant professor of African-American studies and head of department, 1969-71; Howard University, Washington, DC, lecturer, 1971-74, associate professor, 1974-79, professor of political science, 1979-, chair of department, 1991-93, director of Social Science Research Center, Institute for Urban Affairs and Research, 1975-78, elected member of board of trustees of the university, 1991. Princeton University, visiting professor, fall, 1985; Harvard University, fellow of Institute of Politics at John F. Kennedy School of Government, spring, 1989; Dartmouth College, national fellow at Center on Inter-Ethnic Conflict, 1991; lecturer at colleges and universities in the United States and abroad. Publications: South Africa and the Bomb, 1988; Black Presidential Politics in America, 1989; Pan Africanism in the African Diaspora: Concepts of Afro-Centricity, 1992; (with R.C. Smith) African American Leadership, 1999; (with C. Johnson) Bibliography of African American Leadership, 2000. Contributor to scholarly journals. Address: Dept of Government & Politics, University of Maryland, College Park, B0106 Taliaferro Hall, College Park, MD 20742, U.S.A. On- line address:

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Walters, Ronald W.

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