Waltham, Tony (A. C.)

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WALTHAM, Tony (A. C.)

WALTHAM, Tony (A. C.). British, b. 1942. Genres: Earth sciences, Recreation. Career: Nottingham Trent University, lecturer in geology, 1968-. Publications: (ed.) Limestones and Caves of Northwest England, 1974; Caves, 1974; World of Caves, 1976; Catastrophe: The Violent Earth, 1978; Caves, Crags and Gorges, 1984; (with J. Middleton) The Underground Atlas, 1986; Yorkshire Dales-Limestone Country, 1987; Yorkshire Dales National Park, 1987; Ground Subsidence, 1989; Xingwen, 1993; Foundations of Engineering Geology, 1994; Sandstone Caves of Nottingham, 1996; (with M.J. Simms, A.R. Farrant, and H.S. Goldie) Karst and Caves of Great Britain, 1997. Author of academic papers. Address: 11 Selby Rd, Nottingham NG2 7BP, England. Online address: tony@geophotos.co.uk

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Waltham, Tony (A. C.)

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