Seraphino, St.

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Capuchin lay brother; b. 1540; d. Ascoli, Oct. 12, 1604. Seraphino (of Montegranaro) spent his early youth as a shepherd, returning to his home upon the death of his parents. He first desired to be a hermit, but hearing of the Capuchins, he applied for admission to the order at Tolentino. After repeated refusals, the provincial finally accepted him. He received the habit at Jesi in 1556 and was professed a year later. He progressed rapidly in the spiritual life, but he was a failure at the ordinary duties of a lay brother, and received many rebukes and complaints about his awkwardness. Because of his fidelity to the Franciscan rule, his miracles, and his practice of charily to all, he won the devotion of the people. He was beatified in 1729, and canonized by Clement XIII in 1767.

Feast: Oct. 12.

Bibliography: Lexicon Capuccinum (Rome 1951) 158384. Bullarium O.F.M. Cap., v.17 (Rome 174052), v.810 (Innsbruck 188384). v.7, 10. d. svampa, Vita di San Serafino da Montegranaro, laico capuccino (Bologna 1904).

[e. schmidt]

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