Kallo, Yiẓḥak Isaac

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KALLO, YIẒḤAK ISAAC (of Taub , 1751–1821), rabbi and ḥasidic *admor in Hungary. According to legend his talents were recognized by *Aryeh Leib Sarahs and the latter sent him to be educated by Samuel Shmelke *Horowitz of Nikolsburg, who was his teacher in Talmud as well as in Ḥasidism. He also studied for some time under *Elimelech of Lyzhansk. In 1781 he became rabbi of Kallo and district, where he resided for 40 years, and became known for his learning and piety. Yiẓḥak Isaac was the first ḥasidic leader to live permanently in Hungary and helped to further the spread of the ḥasidic movement there. His contemporaries esteemed both his talmudic learning and ḥasidic teachings, but he left no works in writing. Possessed of great musical talent, he wrote songs in Yiddish and Hungarian and composed many melodies, some of them adaptations of Hungarian folk songs. Some of his grandsons were ḥasidic leaders in Kallo and other places.


N. Ben-Menahem, in: Y.L. Ha-Cohen Maimon (ed.), Sefer Yovel… I. Elfenbein (1963), 20–32; idem, in: Sinai, 55 (1964), 344–6; L. Szilágyi-Windt, A kállói cadik (1959).

[Adin Steinsaltz]

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