Ibn Muhājir, Abraham ben Meir

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IBN MUHĀJIR, ABRAHAM BEN MEIR (c. 1100; also called Ibn Shortmeqash ), leader of the Jewish community in *Seville, Spain. A member of a prominent family, Abraham served at the court of the Abbadid king al-Muʾtamid, and was called by the title of "vizier." He is mentioned by the poets *Judah Halevi and Moses *Ibn Ezra. The latter speaks of his aid to the Jews in times of crisis, especially, his redemption of captives. Ibn Ezra dedicated his Sefer ha-Anak (Tarshish) to Ibn Muhājir, thus recognizing the latter's generous support and encouragement. Abraham was also well versed in astronomy and in Talmud. His brothers joseph and the poet oheb both called "ha-Nasi" (= "the Prince") are mentioned by the historian Abraham *Ibn Daud. Joseph apparently was host to Isaac *Alfasi when he first came to Spain. isaac ibn muhĀjir was an official; and his relative, abu suleiman, was a distinguished poet.


Abraham ibn Daud, Sefer ha-QabbalahThe Book of Tradition, ed. by G.D. Cohen (1967), index; H. Brody, in: Ha-Goren, 10 (1928), 60–80; Moses ibn Ezra, Shirei ha-Ḥol, ed. by Ḥ. Brody, 1 (1935), no. 183; J.H. Schirmann, in: Tarbiz, 9 (1938), 53; idem, in: ymḤsi, 6 (1945), 260; S.H. Stern, in: Al-Andalus, 13 (1948), 325f.; García-Gómez, ibid., 15 (1950), 169f.; F. Cantera, in: Sefarad, 9 (1949), 225f.; Ashtor, Korot, 2 (19662), 291; idem, in: Sefarad, 24 (1964), 64ff.

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